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AwakenHub #FemaleFounder Series - Investor Readiness - How to Build a Successful Investor-Entrepreneur Relationship

Twitter AH Investor Readiness April 2021.png

After a hectic March and hopefully a bit of down time over Easter we would love for you join us for AwakenHub's Female Founder series at 5pm on Tuesday 20 April 2021.

Joining us will be Susan Kelly (Founder & CEO, Respiratory Analytics), Jennifer Neff (Co-Founder & CEO, Elemental) and our very own co-founder and investor Mary McKenna with more speakers to be announcedOur super host is Denise McQuaid (CEO, GoBeyond) and all around AwakenHub champion.

We all know the adage “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” We also know how difficult it can be for women founders to secure invesment. But with a bit of insider knowledge, lessons learned from those who have gone before you and a lot of planning anything is possible.

If you are thinking about how to identify your angel investor or looking to start your your fundraising journey, then this event is for you!

From an angel investor perspective we will discuss:

  • what investors assess when looking at an investment opportunity

  • what angel investors wish entrepreneurs knew before raising investment from an angel community and

  • the value an angel investor brings to the entrepreneur.

From the entrepreneur’s perspective we will discuss the:

  • role angel investors played in their success

  • best advice received from their angel investor that helped them scale their business and

  • the key to a successful entrepreneur/ investor relationship.

We kick off bang on time at 5pm and finish at 6.15pm. if you blink you will miss it - that's how fast the 75 minutes goes.

Register HERE. We do allocate a limited number of spaces for early stage Irish women founders who may not be able to stretch to cover charge. If that’s you ping us an email will a line or two about you and we will try to get you a spot.

23 March

AwakenHub #FemaleFounder Series - NextGen Founders in Focus

18 May

‘Performing Through The Lens’ AwakenHub Female Founder Series