Our Partners

We cannot and don’t want to do this alone. AwakenHub is part of the solution and we actively engage with other ecosystem players as well as some fabulous partners who align with our mission and vision. Thanks a million for being part of the journey with us.

Get Involved

If you’re keen to be part of history, fundamentally shift the dial for women founders, gain access to exciting, dynamic and game-changing startups and women-founded businesses - here are some of the benefits of becoming a partner of AwakenHub

  • Enhanced Brand Reputation & Amplification

    Aligning with a women founder community showcases your commitment to diversity and inclusion, enhancing your brand’s reputation and appeal.

  • Access to Dynamic Founders & Innovative Ideas

    Depending on your area of interest and expertise we will curate access to our dynamic community of women founders.

  • Expanded Network

    Collaborating with a women founder community opens doors to a broader network of entrepreneurs, investors, other ecosystem players and industry leaders, fostering valuable connections and opportunities.

  • Positive Social Impact

    Be part of creating lasting change by supporting women entrepreneurs and make your contribution to economic empowerment and gender equality, creating a positive social impact that resonates with employees, customers, and stakeholders.

Let's get off on the best footing

We’ve learned a lot over the years about when a company is ready to move forward. Here are some key points to consider before reaching out to help expedite any conversation.

  • We offer various packages to fit different budgets. Knowing your budget beforehand helps both of us maximise partnership benefits.

  • Our partnership offerings are available on request to speed up inital conversations.

  • Often, the initial contact isn’t the final decision maker. Use our website and social media to inform decision makers about our events and work and sign up for our Newsletter.

  • Some sponsors need agreements on logo usage or contracts. Send over the paperwork once we’ve agreed on a package. Also, have a high-quality logo, a company description, and preferred URLs ready for our sponsor page including your preferred social media channels. It also helps for us to know who in your team should be included as primary point of contact and others who would wish to be kept up to date on general AwakenHub happenings.

  • Our invoicing terms are 30 days. Please let us know early in conversations if your company policy is different so we can be on the same page. 

  • If you’re not ready to partner officially with us then please encourage your staff to sign up for our newsletter, follow us on social media and share our story.

What our partners have to say about AwakenHub

  • InterTradeIreland

    “We are incredibly proud to have sponsored SheVentures 2024, the all-island summit that not only empowered women entrepreneurs but aligned with our mission to connect and help businesses across the island to trade cross-border, innovate, collaborate, and attract investment. The collaboration and connections formed at this event are a testament to the power of innovation and collaboration across the island. At InterTradeIreland, we’re delighted to have been part of this inaugural event with AwakenHub and AwakenAngels that fosters cross-border relationships and drives collective success.”

  • Taylor Wessing Ireland

    “AwakenHub's mission to level up opportunity, access and connectivity for women founders throughout the island of Ireland by removing barriers to investment, scale and success aligns with our core areas of expertise and values. We are delighted to partner with the AwakenHub team. Like Taylor Wessing, they are dynamic, driven and ambitious for founders."

  • AIB

    “AIB has had the pleasure of attending and hosting several AwakenHub community engagements and recognises that AwakenHub has the energy to create something special, dynamic and impactful for women entrepreneurs. We admire their commitment to enhancing the landscape for women entrepreneurs.  This is embodied by their community events facilitating the building of networks and creating opportunities through engaging content and advice. AIB will continue to play our part in the ecosystem by backing women entrepreneurs and we are excited to work with AwakenHub into the future”.

A big thank you to our existing partners. Want to get on board with us?