Building Mental Fitness for Positive Lasting Change
Does your mind ever work against you? You know you should feel confident, but that voice in your head keeps telling you you’re not good enough, you’re not ready, or that you will fail. What if you could stop that voice in its tracks? You can, using simple Positive Intelligence techniques.
Positive Intelligence is your capacity to use positive emotions in dealing with life’s daily challenges. Developed by a Stanford University lecturer and New York Times best-selling author, Positive Intelligence is proven to improve wellbeing, productivity, performance and relationships.
In this one-hour online session, you will learn the basic principles of Positive Intelligence – a neuroscience-backed method that rewires the brain for resilience, confidence and peak performance by tackling the root causes of stress and negative emotions, creating positive lasting change.
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the session, you will be able to:
Identify some of the common saboteurs (negative voices) and the negative impact they are having in your personal and professional life
Recognise how saboteurs are at work in yourself and others
Use some easy-to-apply and highly effective techniques to silence your saboteurs and activate your positive emotions
Identify and apply some of your positive emotions in dealing with day-to-day issues
Use the strategies you have learned today to:
§ understand yourself and other people better,
§ improve empathy towards yourself and towards others,
§ increase your self-belief and confidence,
be equipped with some tools to effectively create and promote a positive, supportive and collaborative culture at work and at home.
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