Tune in to SouthEast Radio

On Saturday 11 June I had the pleasure of chatting all things AwakenHub with Karl Fitzpatrick on the Business Matters Show, South East Radio.

With AwakenHub’s first SheGenerate Showcase coming up on June 14 it was apt to discuss the challenges and barriers that exist for very early stage women founders so we talked about:

  • Our reasons for setting up AwakenHub and how it came out of the original Covid19 lockdown in Spring/Summer 2020 to grow to almost 2000 subscribers

  • Imposter Syndrome and how women can almost wear failure like a ‘crown of thorns’ as opposed to a bade of honour which is how men (often!) view it

  • Barriers to accessing finance as the global figure still sits at just over 2% investment in women founded businesses

  • SheGenerate and how 56 women from 23 of 32 counties on Island of Ireland have progressed in just over 7 months. Be sure and RSVP to join us at 5pm on 14 June if interested in finding out more about AwakenHub and / or keen to be part of SheGen2.0 details of which will be announced online at the event.

  • Not enough women VC’s in the eco-system and how AwakenHub plans to change that by democratising invesment for women investors and founders via AwakenAngels women led investor syndicate

  • How women founders and allies can become part of AwakenHub and our private online AwakenClub communities

  • The importance of Irish Diaspora networks in helping Irish people abroad with a special shout out to the Dept of Foreign Affairs and The Irish Abroad Unit for the incredilbe work they do in helping a variety of Business and Community networks around the globe

Listen back HERE.

Sinead Crowley

AwakenHub Co-Founder

Sinead Crowley

Co-founder of AwakenHub and AwakenAngels.




Mary McKenna at #SharedIsland Rural & Community Development