SheGenerate Launch

Watch back via our youtube channel at your leisure. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

September was a very exciting month at AwakenHub as we opened applications for the first ever All Island of Ireland programme for very early stage women founders - SheGenerate.

After a prolonged period which has challenged and changed many of us. Covid19 has had a greater negative impact on women which is now being referred to as a ‘shesession’ and we want to do our bit to help women founders find their feet in this brave new world. Women make up 50.36% of the population in Ireland. Yet for ever women entrepreneur there are 4 men. And only 6% of investment went to women led businesses in Ireland in 2020, down from 11% the year before (as per Tech Irelands report).

Sinead Crowley, Co-founder of AwakenHub shared insights into the programme. This was followed by AwakenHub co-founder Clare McGee chatting to two very early stage founders Mamobo Ogoro of Gorm Media & Serena Terry of Catchy Co, known to many for her MammyBanter character on social media.

We would like to acknowledge and thank our supporters for their support in making SheGenerate a possibility.

Sinead Crowley

Co-founder of AwakenHub and AwakenAngels.


#1YearOn with Sarah Irwin


What a guy!