How to Network Like a Pro…
Our January closed DropIn session with AwakenClub members focussed on the importance of building your networks appropriately and how to do so with grace, efficiency and impact. Below are some of the highlights. Let us know what you think and share with abandon.
Many of us get a bit freaked out when it comes to networking, thinking we must be extroverted to succeed. We are nervous about meeting new people, putting ourselves out there, especially if the event is full of strangers in an unfamiliar environment, be it in person or indeed online.
There is a fine art to getting around a room, chatting to the right people and knowing when it's time to move along. Knowing what to do after the event is just as important. So how do we go from wallflower to happy in our own skin, while speaking to many folk confidently for the first time?
AwakenHub co-founder Sinead Crowley kicked things off with her NETWOKING COMMANDMENTS and fellow co-founders Denise McQuaid and Mary Carty shared some super valuable insights into how to manage tricky situations, curating your network and networking as an introvert.
Some of Sinead’s commandments to dismantle some networking myths or stumbling blocks as ‘an at best ambivert with serious introvert tendancies’
Networking is for everyone and consists of every single human interaction (ref Kelly Hoey)
Quoting our good friend Kelly Hoey’s wonderful book, Build Your Dream Network, gives concrete examples in ways introverts make the best networkers. They ask interesting questions, they are naturally curious about the person they meet and most crucially of all, they know the interaction is not all about them. Kelly has been a special guest of ours at AwakenHub twice and ICYMI you can watch / read back HERE & HERE.
Bring Your Whole Self: Bring your whole authentic self to the experience. Use your listening ears, be kind, seek out others who may be on their own and start a conversation. Build a solid reputation as trustworthy and reliable. Be the person that people want to help or talk about when you are not in the room.
Pump Things Up: Where necessary ‘pump things up’, if you need to appear more confident than you really feel, then dig deep, don’t miss the opportuntity. If needs be then interject yourself into a conversation if there is a potential game-changing person in the room you need to introduce yourself to. Or even better get someone to broker the introduction for you.
Do your homework, be prepared and be findable: How do people know you are in the room? Let organisers know who you might be interested in meeting especially if it’s your first time and don’t really know anyone. Have your LinkedIn primed and ready to work for you. If business cards are your thing, have lots on hand. Take photos - it’s a great way to remember people especially if you connect with and tag them afterwards.
Don’t Be A FlibbertyGibbet: Stay engaged in a conversation or move along. Nothing worse than trying to speak to someone and you can see they are focussed on other ‘shinier’ people in the room.
Move Along: Be polite when it’s time to move away from a conversation or group. Be sure to exchange contact details if appropriate and if needs be make your excuses. Only because people asked several times - what excuse could I use if there isn’t really any common ground or you are chopming at the bit to talk to someone in particular. Just say you need to find the ladies:) Simple but effective.
Always, Always, Always Follow Up: Whether thanking someone for an introduction or any advice they have given you - this is so often missed by the receiver but rarely missed by the giver. Or, follow up with any interesting people you meet on a daily basis. Connect with them on LinkedIn or some other platform. And if you can work on Givers Gain mentality - lead with a helping hand.
Don’t Send Blank LinkedIn Requests: This was an interesting one and caused some discussion in the session as some were wide open to blank requests. If you are looking for potential clients, customers to find you and engage with you then maybe fair enough. BUT if you are looking for something from someone - please, pretty please, never send a blank linkedin request. A simple note by way of ‘i saw/heard/met you at abc’ or ‘soandso told me about your expertise in y and it would be lovely to connect’. And as a follow up if someone accepts your request to connect or follow you and sends a note to say ‘nice to be connected’ and you blank them then that’s a big no-no.
Net versus Trampoline: Mary McKenna often says leap and a net will form. We talk at AwakenHub all the time about the power of community but importance of building that support long before you need it. So do the good deeds if you can before looking for someone to have your back. In addition not only can a net serve to help you when you might be feeling the fear and leaping into the unknown but a strong network can also help you soar - trampoline effect.
Denise’s top tips as a self-confessed extrovert
Denise McQuaid is a self-confessed natural born networker. Over the years she has developed some fantastic strategies.
Ask questions before giving opinions: Many of us spend the time when people are speaking to us preparing what we would like to say next. Don’t. It is better to listen first and to talk later.
Be curious: The best networkers are inherently curious. This is all about asking open ended questions and listening attentively to the answers.
Remember small things about people: Denise’s next point circles back to one of Sinead’s commandments, being kind and interested. People are always impressed if you remember seemingly small, trivial facts about them that may, in fact, be very important to them. Often this revolves around families, holidays, books, films, foods, etc
Remember where and when you meet someone: Your network is not static and there may be a time lapse from meeting someone to when you might need to reconnect. Always try to give the person a reference to how or where to you meet.
Ask to be introduced: It is much more effective than making a cold connection. By asking to be introduced you are leveraging off other people’s networks. Most people don’t ask for referrals. Try not to cold call. Replace cold calls with hot coffees!
It’s all about trust and reputation: Trust is not an event. Trust is not deserved. It is earned. You don’t meet somebody today and they trust you tomorrow. Pay it forward or pay it up front in terms of helping others where possible.
Network in bold colours: Allow people to find you in a full room by wearing colours that make it easy for people to point you out or find you
Mary’s top tips as a introvert with a curious mind
The Solo Guest: Sinead mentioned in the session about not leaving anyone out in the cold. Keep an eye out for someone standing on their own and go over and say hello. Mary totally resonated with this and her mantra is that this will often be the most intersting person/conversation you might have and you never know where a simple and well intended ‘hello’ might lead to. And of course Maria Gallo shared her ‘be a croissant not a donut’ analogy which we loved. Don’t close out your little chatty group to those who may be on their own or looking to join your conversation. Keep a little gap to allow others to feel like they can join. Maria also published a book on The Alumni Way and you can read some more of her own founder journey.
Step Into Your Best Self: Lead with what you know. It’s ok not to be an expert on everything but everyone has something to add to a conversation.
Build The Board You Can’t Afford: Start well before you need it and build those valuable relationships with people you trust and who trust you. Underestimate the power of community at your peri.
Team AwakenHub
If reading this and you don’t know anything much about AwakenHub - we are a registered Social Enterprise with a social impact mission to change the landscape for women for generations to come by removing barriers to investment, scale and success - regardless of sector, loction (Island of Ireland and Irish connected). You are welcome to register for our monthly community events or we have some membership options which bring added extras in terms of support. We also have a tonne of stuff to read or watch back in our Library.