How to Get the Best out of an AwakenHub Breakout Room

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We’re 5 events in and from the feedback we’ve received and the stories we hear, our breakout rooms networking is an element of our events that most of our members really love.  But how can we make the experience even better for everyone?  That’s what this short blog is about.

First a few basics.  We usually run 2 x 10 or 15 minute breakout rooms at our monthly events.  It gives our speakers a break and it allows everyone on the call to chat and make new connections.  In our very first event way back in early July we had only one breakout room … and everyone enjoyed the networking so much that we bumped it up to twice at every event.  We allocate attendees randomly to the rooms in small groups of 4 or 5 (we’ve had some people compliment us on our matching skills when they’ve had an especially serendipitous experience in a breakout room – but no – it isn’t us – it’s the magic of Zoom).  There’s no obligation for you to accept the invitation to go into the breakout room … but really … the networking opportunities we offer are a key benefit of joining our calls.

In order to fully participate you should switch your camera and mic on, smile and be ready to introduce yourself and chat.  The breakout rooms are not hosted so it’s up to you to make them useful and run smoothly.  Our good friend and networking expert and author Kelly Hoey suggests using a 6-word intro (watch Kelly’s fireside chat with Denise McQuaid here if you missed it) but there’s no hard & fast rule about how to approach your intro.  We want you to meet new people, promote your growing business and have some fun.  Our events are 100% informal & 98% of the attendees on the call will be female.  You’re amongst friends, we don’t stand on ceremony or judge people by appearances so how you choose to present yourself is up to you.  Except for the Christmas get together on 15 December of course.  That evening will demand glitter & sparkles!

The breakout rooms are not recorded or videoed so the conversations you have within your groups are and forever will remain private.

Other event hosts give you a specific topic or exercise for discussion in their breakout rooms but we don’t do that at AwakenHub.  We suggest you use the time to introduce yourselves and if you have a business, your business.  An interesting 30 second elevator pitch about who you are and what you do is a good start and then you’ll have some time left to answer any questions the other people in the room might have.  Please remember that the primary purpose of AwakenHub is to help Irish and Irish connected female founders grow their businesses and connect with each other.  If you’re not a female founder then please only join our calls if you have a positive contribution to make in line with this mission. 

On the matter of time – do the maths before you start and keep an eye on the countdown clock.  Be courteous and generous and don’t hog the time.  If it’s 10 minutes and there are 4 of you then aim to split the airtime to approximately 2.5 minutes each … not 8 minutes for one person and 2 minutes for the other three.  Don’t be afraid to use this time to ask others to help you with something – that’s what we’re all there for – to try and help each other.  And consultants and professional networking organisations, please don’t use this time to sell to our founders … that isn’t what we’re about and it makes everyone feel uncomfortable.

So that’s it.  A brief guide to AwakenHub breakout etiquette.  Looking forward to seeing everyone in December.


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