
Our featured #follow for this week is our SheGenerate participant Alys Taylor founder of TP Clothing. Alys is building a sustainable brand and creates handmade clothes from newborn up to 5 years. We asked Alys to share with us her founder journey so far.

To get us started - how would you describe yourself in 6 words or less?

Handmade, quality, sustainable children’s clothing

What prompted you to start your business?

Covid 19! Life is too short to not do something that you love. I needed a creative outlet to better my mental health during the days of remote/key worker teaching and managing my own family too. Sewing was an old hobby which I enjoyed at GCSE Level 17 years ago! My mental health was at an all time low so I took the plunge, bought a machine and started making clothes for my wee daughter. Before I knew it, I was making clothes for friends, then strangers who were willing to pay for my products. I found, through social media, that many mums were looking for unique products that would stand the test of time and were better for the environment. I gave up teaching full time, worked out a plan so I could build my business and be more of a present mummy and here we are!

Tell us a little bit more about you?

I’m a mummy of a 3 year old, from Rutland England and moved to Northern Ireland July 2021 for a slower pace of life and more time with my family. I am a qualified teacher and still sub now, in between sewing/website building/marketing my business. I have always been creative, into fashion and always loved children and so brought together my passions to end up with my little business. I love meeting new people, coffee and walks along the beach.

Fill us in on your female founder journey.

I’ve nearly been going a year now and only in the past couple of months, since starting the shegenerate sessions really, have I actually felt like a real founder/business woman. I have met some wonderful women - other craft business owners and mums - through the power of social media and have gained some real allies. I have and still do struggle to get my business seen and it’s something I’m forever working on in order to gain more business/sales. I am much more confident in my skill, my products and my need to shout about it these days but it’s taken some time to get there.

How did you hear about AwakenHub and what prompted you to apply for SheGenerate?

I heard about awakenhub through a family friend and applied for shegenerate because my mum convinced me to (haha! Mums always know best!).

What are you hoping to get out of the SheGenerate process?

I’m hoping to continue to build my knowledge of various aspects of running a business, make lots of new contacts, support other likeminded women and increase my confidence in my business.

What does success look like to you - in 12 months and in 5 years?

In 12 months I’d like to be at a point where I am able to give up teaching and pay myself a wage from my profits. In 5 years I’d like to be in a position where my business has expanded so much that I am able to create a team and no longer be flying solo!

SheGenerate is only a small part of AwakenHub - now that you have the community's attention - what can we/they do for you?

Follow & share my profile as I am an online business.

As a founder - what are your non-negotiables?

I know that if you don’t give things a try then you will always regret it, that if you have a passion then you should pursue it and that you are always better than you think you are - you are your biggest critic. Six words to live by… Always do what makes you happy






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