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Anne Lawlor is an award-winning entrepreneur, currently the co-founder and CEO of Journey Protector, a system that makes monitoring and illegal activity within the haulage trucks detectable and easy to read and makes smart decisions. This data allows important business security decisions to be made, and can relay that information to those that can assist. Journey Protector is an organisation that was built out of trying to protect haulage drivers as they cross boarders, a business model built on heart and empathy and is focused on the person…we love to see it.

Tell us a little bit about your latest venture Journey Protector.

I am very excited and driven by the possibility of using IoT (Internet of Things), machine learning and blockchain technology products to protect vulnerable people through life’s journeys which is why we are launching Journey Protector's autonomous real-time monitoring and detection solution, protecting life and load.

What prompted you to start your business? 

I met a truck driver who had been badly injured by stowaways in the rear of his vehicle. He was unable to get any help from the authorities and when he crossed the border into the UK side of Calais he was fined. After searching the market for product that would have helped him we found there wasn’t one so we designed and built our own! I later pivoted the business model to include trying to protect vulnerable people from being trafficked after meeting someone who had been caught up in this awful situation and felt I could use by technology and data background to provide a solution. Criminals are familiar with current security systems and their flaws, and they have taken advantage of these vulnerabilities at a huge cost to life and load.

Can you tell us a bit more about you?

I have a background in IT, have co-founded an automotive company (still in existence) and am a judge in AI Ireland competition. The AI Ireland competition lets me see just how promising the tech ecosystem is here in Ireland.

My goal as a female founder is to be the No. 1 Global Technology Solution Provider solving cross border security, theft, safety and people trafficking Issues.

Fill us in on your female founder journey and what would you like to share with the AwakenHub community?  

The female founders here in Ireland are absolutely brilliant, the support is truly wonderful. I started this business, and in fact, the last one with my co-founder (also my husband) and to be honest the support which I have received from the female founders community has been amazing. There is always someone there to help when you are feeling down and because we have all had, if not the same, then similar experiences, you know that the advice you are getting is really inciteful. From the Ryan Academy (sadly no longer with us), to Going for Growth to Awakenhub, the time and true kindness I have experienced from my fellow female founders has convinced me that I am doing the right thing every time the going got tough.

How has being part of the AwakenHub community helped your business?

Being part of the AwakenHub community has helped my business, the women are amazing and I know that if I have an issue or need advice they are there. The support and different viewpoints are invaluable and provide a fresh perspective whenever one is needed.

Have you an ‘ask’ which we can share with fellow #Awakenhubbers ?

I am going through the process of B Corp certification and I was wondering if any of the members had any experience in this area.

What six words do you live by as a founder?

Be scared and do it anyway. 

Who is your founder inspo?

My old boss Anne Riordan, is my inspiration for being a founder. I always felt valued, she let me know that I was, this is something I want my employees to experience and I am making sure that they feel the same way I did when I worked for her.

What's next for Journey Protector?

The problem we are addressing is a global one and therfore so is our vision for the future. We are entering the British market and in the process of raising €1.5 million in seed funding and also have plans to open an office in Berlin in 2022 and a US office in Florida in 2023. So watch this space.

Anne Lawlor LinkedIn

Journey Protector LinkedIn




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