*Apply Now for AwakenHub’s SheGenerate Accelerator for Women Businesses*

Closing date 18 Sept 2023

AwakenHub is a thriving community for women founders on the island of Ireland. Currently it is open for applications for their coveted SheGenerate 3.0, accelerator-lite programme specially designed to empower women founders. 

SheGenerate launched in 2021 as the first of its kind all island women founders programme, in 24 months it has graduated 87 women through the first two cohorts. Previous participants have come from various business sectors from stemcell, agricultural, medtech to  media, arts, design and fashion, to cookie lovers, artificial intelligence and everything in between. You can get a little taster online HERE

SheGenerate 3.0 supported by Taylor Wessing, Ulster Bank Northern Ireland, British Business Bank and Catalyst marks the third intake of this transformative programme and is scheduled to run from November 2023 until June 2024. Aspiring women entrepreneurs are invited to apply at www.awakenhub.com/shegen3 before the closing date on Monday, 18th September at 5 pm.

Highlights of SheGenerate3.0 include:

Ø  Monthly 2.5-hour themed workshops

Ø  Monthly online community-wide events plus occasional in-person meetups

Ø  Small group 'Big Sister Sessions' featuring industry experts, offering a choice from over 50 sessions

Ø  Membership to AwakenClub, AwakenHub's esteemed private founder community, for the duration of the programme

Who can apply? Any woman founder or want to be founder on the island of Ireland or diaspora planning to relocate back to Ireland. The programme welcomes women from all ages, sectors and diverse backgrounds, including social enterprises. Applicants may also be part of a mixed or all-women co-founding team.

Apply Now: www.awakenhub.com/shegen3 

"AwakenHub recognises the immense potential of women entrepreneurs and the significant role they play in driving innovation and economic growth. SheGenerate 3.0 is unique and offers a supportive and nurturing environment for women to thrive in their entrepreneurial pursuits, learn from those who have gone before them and put a hand out for those coming behind them." said Sinead Crowley, co-founder at AwakenHub.

Notes to Editor

Established in July 2020, AwakenHub is the only all-island women founders community in Ireland, with 3,000 subscribers and a prominent presence in the founder ecosystem. As a registered social enterprise, AwakenHub's mission is to remove barriers to investment, scale, and success for all founders. The organisation hosts online community events, in-person meetups, and curates a closed online community called AwakenClub for women seeking to build viable and scalable businesses. Its sister company, AwakenAngels with the support of British Business Bank and InterTradeIreland, has recently launched the first and only all-island women-led angel investor syndicate, investing in women-founded businesses in Ireland this includes SheGenerate graduates as they look to raise pre-seed investment.

Aspiring women entrepreneurs are encouraged to sign up to their subscriber list, participate in monthly community events, consider an Annual Pass, or apply to join their private online community with additional wrap-around support at AwakenClub. To learn more, visit www.awakenhub.com/join

SheGen3.0 is a dedicated support programme for women businesses in Northern Ireland & Ireland that forms a vital part of the broader AwakenHub community. 

October 2022 – May 2023 % Impacts

  • 110 women applied aged 18 – 67 from 21 of 32 counties

  • 31 women were selected including two female co-founding teams  

% Stats (based on 27 remaining founders) 

  • 72% now trading 

  • 30% secured grants/ finance / funding / investment 

  • 22% in product development (

  • 26% preparing to seek pre-seed investment 

  • 37% applied to other eco-system programmes 

  • 22% social / environmental impact driven 


Capacity rating BEFORE & AFTER SheGen2.0 

  • Business Acumen – increased from 37% to 82% - more than doubled

  • Business Planning – increased from 22% to 59% 

  • Confidence increased from 55% to 94%

  • Financial planning skills rose from 40% to 82% 

  • Master Networkers - 82% felt confident about their networking skills from a starting point of 44%

  • Core Marketing Skills quadrupled – increased from 22% to 88%

  • Sales Ability doubled from 26% to 53% and negotiation skills improved by 120% from 18% to 41%



  • 89% rated shegen2.0  - 4 / 5 out of 5

  • 81% made valuable connections within the programme and some are even doing collaborative work with each other including our Showcase winner Nicole O’Connor and runner-up Emma McClenaghan.

  • 92% now feel part of a founder community compared with 24% 12 months ago.

Media Contact:

Brighde Barnes

Head of Community


Telephone Number: +447739350880


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