Interview with Anne Ravanona: Funding Women Founders

I had the enormous pleasure of interviewing Anne Ravanona of Global Invest Her for our first AwakenHub event last week. As always, Anne was keen to share her advice for founders about to go out on the fundraising trail.

She spoke about her passion to support women in business, building a thriving community and she gave us an insight into her own background. Hint; She’s very international. A Dubliner living in France with Spanish heritage!

I asked Anne about her campaign to fund 1 million women by 2030, a $5 Trillion opportunity, and how important it is to work together to bridge this enormous funding gap. At the current rate of investment, it will take women-led businesses, 257 years to reach parity. A pretty sobering statistic.

To close, Anne shared her top 3 tips for founders, 2 Do’s and 1 absolute Don’t. Her do’s focused on doing your research, knowing as much as you can about the investors you approach, not fundraising when you are desperate and being confident in your ability. Her don’t echoed the confidence point earlier, don’t not trust yourself, be confident and go for it.

I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did.

Mary Carty interviews Anne Ravanona of Global Invest Her for AwakenHub. Sharing insights on funding for female founders. Recorded July 9th 2020.


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